
Mental Health Win: My Dog is Off His Antidepressants and Doing Great

Warning: this is the kind of news the MAN doesn’t want you to read. It’s objectively good news that’s gonna put you in a great mood! 

My dog is doing really well, emotionally! Alfie (my dog) was a sad guy with a perpetual sulky frown and deep, dark eyes that anti-twinkle with the terrible misery-luster that only comes from having seen the Hindenburg crash in person. His bark came out a whimper; his tail seemed to wag in slow motion. So, many moons ago, he went to a dog psychiatrist and got put on doggie Wellbutrin. 

UNTIL NOW! He’s so fucking mentally healthy that the vet gave him the all clear! And he’s killing it! The Fed unconditionally supports mental health and believes that everyone should have the medical access and societal acceptance for getting what they need to be their healthiest and happiest selves, and also my dog is so fucking good at not being on antipressants anymore! A slay! Couldn’t be me, but an absolute slay.