
Top 5 Spookiest Columbia Halloween Costumes

Need a spooky Columbia-themed Halloween costume? The Fed has got you covered this year with our top five spookiest costumes for this halloween season at Columbia.

  1. PrezGhost

Dress up as PrezBo’s ghost! That’ll be a real fright for administrators who thought they had finally gotten rid of him.

  1. That one guy who still texts in the class groupMe

Everyone thought the chat died over the summer. But no! That one guy is still at it, haunting the GroupMe, fated to never move on.

  1. The Low tent

It can come back at any moment to shroud Low steps and strike fear into every student’s heart.

  1. Schermerhorn Extension

What’s scarier than frantically running up 9 flights of stairs before class trying to find a bathroom that may or may not exist?

  1. A pop quiz on last night’s CC reading

Eek! We know you didn’t do it!