
Letters of Continued Interest To Be Required for Senior Cruise Hopefuls

In response to both increased class sizes and a growing demand for guests at the 2024 Senior Boat Cruise, the Columbia Senior Week Committee has instituted a policy allowing ticketless seniors to submit Letters of Continued Interest. Much like an internship or college-related Letter of Continued Interest, these letters will grant cruise hopefuls an opportunity to update the committee on what they have accomplished since failing to purchase a ticket to the aquatic celebration. These letters will be considered alongside a student’s resume, cover letter, and academic writing sample as the committee decides how to distribute remaining tickets. 

The Senior Week Committee has kindly forwarded the Spectador a template that desperate, boat-loving seniors can personalize at their leisure:

Dear Mr. BoatCruise and Committee,

I hope this letter finds you well and, maybe, while afloat/aboard! Thank you for reviewing my EventBrite application and giving me a chance to be reconsidered for the final Senior Boat Cruise pool (or deck, haha).

Over spring break, I had the opportunity to “bear the seas,” as they say, with a few current students already admitted onto the main deck. When I asked one of them why she’s going on the Boat Cruise if her family already has a yacht and beach house, she answered, “Because I can.” This inspiring statement galvanized me to revisit that one fence drawing of equity versus equality, as well as get a perfect score on the MCAT, LSAT, and GRE. If I am ultimately admitted off the waitlist, I will get so insanely dressed up and take so much Dramamine that you won’t even have to worry about the potential of my legs not being sea-faring! 

Following the news of my non-admittance, I have undergone some serious introspection and a variety of exercises ranging from Uris pool laps, cannonballs, life jacket try-ons, and finger-clicking mouse intervals. If given the opportunity to get on the Eventbrite again, I am confident I will be qualified and prepared to not only secure a ticket, but also to expand my legacy at Columbia through bougie sea-bound networking.

If admitted, I am ready to commit and to bring my enthusiasm and drive to the Pier 61 waters.


[insert name]