
Post-Grad Tat Recs

You spent the last four years studying at the number 12 ranked University in the nation! Congrats! And now you’re graduating, but how will you presumptuously let the world know what you’ve accomplished? A tattoo is the only answer, and the Fed’s got you covered! Here are ten tattoo recommendations just for you:

  1. The penis fountains. Iconic. If you really want to go for it, get one on each rib cage and let your ribs represent Low Steps – edgy and innovative!
  2. Chef Mike’s portrait in a heart on your bicep. If you post it on insta and tag him you get free sandwiches for a year.
  3. The Federalist logo.
  4. Roaree, naked. You’re not like other girls. 
  5. COLUMBIA in all caps on your back like a jersey title. This one is a hit with the ladies! If you really want to spice it up add your lucky number below. 69?
  6. A delicate coquette tattoo that references your favorite read from Lit Hum because unlike other students at this school, you’re a true intellectual who enjoyed the Core.
  7. The initials of your failed romance from freshman year. It’s ironic because you’re soooo over it.
  8. The Federalist logo.
  9. The sheet music of your favorite song from JJ’s. Options range from The Hills by The Weeknd to Die For You by The Weeknd.
  10. The Columbia skyline to match the background of your LinkedIn. You embody Columbia.