Visionary Freshman Just Going Off Your Point There

Mark Harrington CC ’20 stunned his Lit Hum class last week by elevating his peers’ discussion points time and time again with his brilliant perspectives.

“From the moment I heard him say, ‘Going off of that…’ for the third time, I realized the full extent of Mark’s untapped literary brilliance,” Harrington’s professor said. “Sometimes he would directly repeat the other students’ language two or three times without even changing a word just to really drive the point home. That’s what we in the literary world call emphasis. Needless to say, somebody’s getting an A in participation.”

Harrington’s peers were stunned by his relentless additions to the class’s titillating conversation on Dante’s Inferno.

“When Jasmine, a woman,  commented on how Inferno mirrors the politics of 14th century Florence, I was skeptical,” one classmate said. “But when Mark expanded on that point by repeating it in a slightly different tone of voice, well, then the discussion started getting interesting.”

“Mark always had my back,” another student said. “I would start saying something, but it wouldn’t come out quite as I planned. Then, just as it looked like someone else was going to take the floor, Mark jumped in and repeated what I said, then threw in another sentence connecting it to real-world events. What a hero.”

Harrington said he aims to elevate the class discussion as a whole with his contributions to the conversation.

“That’s what conversations are really about,” he said. “Listening to one another, expanding on each other’s points, and repeating what the quiet girl said, only in a more assertive tone..”

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